Using our marketing skills, we will together assess your target audience’s needs and wants, the service you offer and what you would like to achieve. This will help us better identify the exact target audience and build a related strategy aimed at building a relationship with your existing and potential clients.
Writing of speeches and articles which can then be published in your name.
Provision of one to one training for media appearances, image and public speaking.
Complete organization of press conferences. This service ranges from spotting the story to issuing of press call, coaching of delivery, choosing venue to actual delivery.
We enjoy a strong reputation within the media environment, both on individual and organizational level. This relationship is built on strong respect for work ethics and trust. Being selective who to work for, we proudly extend our reputation to help you build contacts where it matters, generating not only long-lasting results but also possibilities of commercial or personal relations.
Spotting press release material, writing and distribution of press releases. This service is offered for local, international and selected markets.
Any business should have a PR strategy which can be calculated with clear goals. After analysing your operations, we will develop your customised strategy in line with your branding, policies and existing plans. We will then either coach a member of your team for its implementation or implement it ourselves.
You might just be sitting on a main news item. We spot, and place, news-value stories. Whatever your story is, it’s interesting. We have the right contacts to give you related media coverage.
The success of most business organisations, as well as personalities, highly depends on the internal and external communication flow and related outcome. While analysing your communication processes, we will prepare a report highlighting action points on how to achieve better results by making the most of your existing team and facilities.
Sometimes things go terribly wrong and one ends up with undesired attention for all the wrong reasons. Following an analysis of the situation in hand, this service will help you make the most of the situation by setting up a strong communications plan to deal with the situation, while making sure that your message gets through.
Positioning you as an expert in your field according to your qualities and abilities.
Flming, Editing, Photography, Social Media Management